Lebensstufen der Erde (Antiquariaat)
Beiträge zu einer organischen Gesteins- und Mineralkunde
Walther Cloos
tweedehands boek
Walther Cloos (1900-1985) was a pharmacist, alchemist, Anthroposophist, lecturer, researcher, inventor, author and pioneer in anthroposophical pharmacy. He took interest as well in medicinal plants grown in the Weleda Schwaebisch Gmuend. Weleda is a multinational company that produces both beauty products and naturopathic medicines. Both branches design their products based on anthroposophic principles, an alternative medicine which has heretofore not proved its effectiveness. With the botanist Gerbert Grohmann and many farmers he studied the ideal conditions and best habitats for different medicinal plants and their biodynamic cultivation. The main focus of his work at Weleda would be the manufacture of medicines made from minerals and metals.
[1958, Freies Geistesleben]
Lebensstufen der Erde (Antiquariaat)
Beiträge zu einer organischen Gesteins- und Mineralkunde
Walther Cloos · alles van deze auteur
€ 15.00
ISBN 377250485X